Dr. 罗杰一. Ramsammy Appointed Seventh President of College


Dr. 罗杰Ramsammy

State University of New York 校董会 today announced the appointment of Dr. 罗杰一. Ramsammy as the seventh president of Hudson Valley Community College.

Ramsammy带着30多年的高等教育经验来到哈德逊山谷, 包括在美国最大的三所多校区学院担任学术和行政领导职务. 他是迈阿密戴德学院西校区的前校长,此前曾担任北弗吉尼亚社区学院的教务长和首席学术官. 在那之前, at Palm Beach State College, he was professor of Microbiology and Anatomy and Physiology, 生物学主席, associate dean of STEM and dean of Academic Affairs.

Ramsammy has earned numerous awards for leadership, effective and inventive teaching, online instruction and academic program development, including the Virginia Governor's Award for the most innovative STEM program; the Florida Association of Community Colleges and Palm Beach State College "Professor of the Year" awards; and the Adjunct Professor of the Year award at Broward College.

Ramsammy是美国社区学院协会前任多元化专员, 她最近担任了该组织的学术专员, 学生 and Community Development. He also was awarded the Martin Luther King Jr. 文化基金会杰出教育家奖,表彰他为弱势群体提供教育服务的奉献精神.

Ramsammy is a first-generation college student. 在乔治城大学伦巴第癌症中心获得博士后奖学金之前, 他获得了博士学位。.D. in Molecular Biology and a master's degree in Genetics from Howard University. 他拥有哥伦比亚特区大学的生物学学士学位.

“我很荣幸被选为哈德逊山谷社区学院的校长, 一个在学术卓越和为学生和更大社区提供模范服务方面享有全国声誉的机构. I am excited to begin working with the college's faculty and 工作人员, 社区和政府利益相关者以及纽约州立大学的领导们共同推动这所已经非常出色的大学,拉姆萨米说。.

"I share my thanks with SUNY Chairman 卡尔·考尔, 克里斯蒂娜·约翰逊校长和纽约州立大学董事会感谢他们对我领导能力的信任和信任. 我还要感谢哈德逊河谷的董事会成员和尼尔·凯莱赫(Neil Kelleher)领导的遴选委员会, President Drew Matonak and the college's 学生, 员工, 以及在整个招聘过程中表现出大学整体素质和诚信的社区领袖."

Ramsammy and his wife, Annette, have three children, Khalid, Josie and Shayda. “我和我的家人都期待着搬到首都地区,成为社区结构的一部分,他补充道.

"We are impressed by the breadth of Dr. Ramsammy's diverse career, 尤其是他对帮助学生留在学校的创新项目的关注, 支持他们完成大学学业,让他们走上一条有回报的职业道路," said SUNY Board Chairman H. 卡尔·考尔. "Dr. Ramsammy's leadership is certain to benefit the 学生, 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜以及纽约首都地区的教职员工."

"Throughout his career in higher education, Dr. Ramsammy has been a problem-solver and an academic change-agent at the local, 状态, 国家层面," said SUNY Chancellor Kristina M. 约翰逊. "Dr. 拉姆萨米非常适合担任哈德逊山谷社区学院的下一任校长, where I know he will create new opportunities for 学生, 教职员工和建立我们与地区企业和当地社区的伙伴关系."

"Following a national search, we're proud to welcome Dr. Ramsammy to the college. I'm confident that we've selected a leader who has a strong vision, 创新的思想和合作精神,与我们社区的许多合作伙伴和我们敬业的教职员工进行富有成效的工作," said Neil Kelleher, 哈德逊河谷社区大学校董会主席,同时担任总统遴选委员会主席.

“我们进行了一场竞争非常激烈的搜索,找到了一群强有力的候选人来领导哈德逊河谷走向未来. I greatly appreciate their interest in joining our college, as well as those who took part in our presidential search process. 我特别感谢我们遴选委员会的所有成员,感谢他们的时间、才能和奉献. 的y have been incredibly productive, respectful and cohesive as they worked in the best interest of our college,凯莱赫补充道.

"My sincere congratulations to Dr. Ramsammy on his selection as Hudson Valley's next president. 我期待着在未来的几个月里与他合作,以确保领导权的顺利过渡, 并最终, 为了我们的学生、员工和社区发展伙伴的利益,培养和推进学院. Hudson Valley is well positioned for the future, 我有信心,学院将继续成为我们地区最大的资产之一. Ramsammy's leadership," said Drew Matonak, president of Hudson Valley.

A leadership transition plan will be outlined during the spring semester. 马托纳克是哈德逊山谷学院的第六任校长,2005年开始在该学院任职. He informed 学生, 他计划在2018年8月退休,此前他在学院领导了13年,在高等教育领域工作了40年.

Kelleher praised Matonak following his announcement. “德鲁在哈德逊河谷经历了一段令人难以置信的增长和动态变化的时期,为哈德逊河谷提供了卓越的领导. 我们非常感谢他多年来对学院的奉献,以及他在更大社区中的合作和服务承诺."

2017年春季,总统遴选过程开始,任命了一个由24名成员组成的总统遴选委员会,并聘请了猎头公司, 艾萨克森, 米勒. 随后与大学社区成员会面,确定搜索方向, 该公司组织了一次全国性的招聘活动,并向候选人介绍了各种背景和经验. Following interviews, finalists were selected.

10月11日,Ramsammy参加了与校园社区成员和社区利益相关者的会议. 12岁和13岁,在接受由教师组成的校长遴选委员会的面试后, 工作人员, 学生, 校友, 受托人, foundation board members and local leaders.

Ramsammy was approved by the college's 校董会 on Oct. 25 and later by the SUNY 校董会 on Nov. 15. He follows former college presidents Dr. 安德鲁J. Matonak (2005-2018), Dr. 马可·J. Silvestri (interim appointment from 2004-2005); John Buono (1998-2003); Dr. 斯蒂芬·米. Curtis (1996-98); Dr. 约瑟夫·J. Bulmer (1979-1996); James J. Fitzgibbons (1965-1979); Otto V. Guenther (1953-1965).

For more information about the presidential search, visit xslmjg.meritavukatlik.com/presidentialsearch.

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成立于1953年, Hudson Valley Community College offers more than 85 degree and certificate programs in four schools: Business; Engineering and Industrial Technologies; Health Science; and Liberal Arts and Sciences; and an Educational Opportunity Center for academic and career training. One of 30 community colleges in the State University of New York system, it has an enrollment of nearly 11,500名学生, 并且在远程教育和劳动力培训方面处于领先地位. Hudson Valley has more than 75,000 校友.


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