哈德逊山谷社区学院 Wins Two Awards of Excellence from the World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics



哈德逊山谷社区学院 received two prestigious World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics (WFCP) Awards of Excellence at the organization’s annual World Congress in Montreal on 2023年4月25日. The WFCP awards program recognizes outstanding contributions from member institutions and associations in advancing professional and technical education and training for the global economy. 该学院获得了“全球公民”铜奖和“战略领导力”银奖.

该学院获得了 全球公民奖 which recognizes the college’s commitment to providing the exemplary strategies and tools to prepare students for global citizenship. Some of the college’s recent initiatives that led to the nomination for this award include the Global Classroom High School program, the relocation of the International Center of the Capital Region and a local chapter of the 100 Black Men organization onto Hudson Valley’s Troy, 纽约大学, 在哥斯达黎加和菲律宾的人道主义努力, 和更多的.

全球课堂高中项目, 于2020年在哥斯达黎加推出, allows high school students outside the United States to take college-level courses online for college credit. 该项目为学生提供奖学金以抵消大学费用, 自成立以来,它已经为来自25个国家的350多名学生提供了服务. 首都地区国际中心(ICCR), a non-profit organization founded in 1956 to promote cultural understanding by welcoming international leaders and newcomers to the Capital Region, 与学院的全球倡议办公室在学院的特洛伊, ICCR免费提供纽约校区. The organization has brought dozens of international leaders to campus in the past two years to learn about the college and special topics, 与学生见面, 教育领导者和劳动力合作伙伴. 类似的, 学院在校园内为100名黑人提供办公场所, an international organization committed to mentoring and developing young people into future leaders by providing mentoring and educational opportunities they may not otherwise have access to.

College officials also traveled to the Philippines in 2019 to the Visayas Region of Samar to provide teacher education and dental hygiene training to a philanthropic group called Support Samar 学校. 自成立以来, 支持萨马学校在菲律宾的一个贫困地区建立了七所小学, 教育机会和基本保健服务极其匮乏的地方. 除了, the college is working with education leaders in Ghana to explore the development of Technical and Vocational Education and Training programs for both men and women to help to meet the country’s workforce demands.

哈德逊河谷也获得了 策略领导奖, which recognizes the college’s creation of a STEM High School and Veteran’s Resource and Outreach Center on campus, 以及先进制造技术中心的建设, 和更多的. In 2021, STEM高中, 与Questar III BOCES合作在校园举办, opened as the first New York State Pathways in Technology (P-TECH) and Smart Scholar Early College High School hosted on a community college campus in the Capital Region. 它允许学生在完成高中学业的同时免费获得63个大学学分. The school is open to students across seven counties and 46 school districts looking for pathways to well-paid careers in the fast-growing, 计算机信息系统的热门STEM领域, 工程技术, 环境科学与保护技术, 健康科学. 同年,学院在校园内开设了一个新的退伍军人资源和外展中心(VET-ROC). 退伍军人和校园内与军事有关的社区的焦点, VET-ROC容纳了PFC约瑟夫P. 伦斯勒县德怀尔退伍军人同伴支持项目, which offers non-clinical peer-to-peer support for any Rensselaer County veteran and works to help all Capital Region veterans reintegrate into civilian society.

学院开设了Gene F. Haas先进制造技能中心(CAMS)设施将于2019年在校园落成. 14美元.500万年, 37,000-square-foot facility was designed with industry partners’ input to increase enrollment in its Advanced Manufacturing Technology (A.O.S.) degree program and meet an urgent workforce demand for skilled manufacturing employees in the region. 该项目是125英里范围内唯一的同类项目, 有100%的就业率吗, 并为毕业生成为CNC机械师做好准备, 工具制造商和工业技术人员, 还有市场营销, 销售, 采购和管理工作.

“哈德逊山谷社区学院 is proud and honored to be recognized for excellence in global citizenship and strategic leadership by the World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics,哈德逊山谷社区学院院长Dr. 罗杰Ramsammy. “我们努力成为全球教育的领导者, 并提供创新的, 为国内外学生提供着眼于未来的机会. 和, 作为代表美国的世界粮食计划署董事会成员, it is my personal mission to spread awareness of the benefits that membership in the WFCP can bring to other colleges across the country.”

WFCP是一个以会员为基础的组织,汇集了大学, 科技专科学校, 来自各大洲的大学学院和专业教育机构. 成员通常是国家和地区的应用高等教育机构协会, 个别机构, 非政府组织或代表业界的组织. WFCP由全国高校、研究所或理工学院的代表机构领导. Members collaborate on and share leading-edge education strategies and best practices to increase workforce employability in countries around the world. 2022年6月,Ramsammy当选为世界粮食计划署董事会成员.

Hudson Valley has an established history as an institution welcoming international students; each year, the college serves students from an average of more than 35 foreign countries who travel to the Troy campus to pursue higher education. 在拉姆萨米总统的领导下, Hudson Valley has also undertaken numerous new global initiatives designed to help create educational opportunities for students from around the world. In 2018, the college completed an ambitious strategic plan that focuses on six core pillars to guide future growth and priorities: Commit to 学生 Success, Inclusion and Equity; Enhance Academic Excellence; Optimize Enrollment; Encourage 教师 and Staff Excellence; Expand 合作伙伴关系 and Community Engagement; and Reinvigorate Campus Culture and Infrastructure.

从那时起, the college has forged partnerships with educational institutions and leaders in several countries around the world. 值得注意的是, the college signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Costa Rica to expand and formalize the college’s educational and training outreach in the country, 并为教师和学生建立了项目, 包括为哥斯达黎加教师提供免费ESL课程的“培训师”项目, 为哥斯达黎加学生提供远程教育, and an agreement that allows Costa Rican educators to come to Hudson Valley’s campus for training programs to gain knowledge and skills from the college’s faculty in electric and autonomous vehicle programs, 举几个例子.

